Matt Finnegan


As the newest member to the Paid media team, My first few weeks have been intense, I have been sucked straight in and enjoying every minute.

Coming from a background in business management, PPC offered the opportunity to manage multiple accounts and not be stuck with one set of data. There is always something new to see, learn or do.


Increased use of AI in paid media management is coming - either for paid search or, more likely, in design.

LIFE at Roar

The environment at Roar has been so welcoming, I have the space to settle into my role, meet clients and build confidence in paid search account monitoring. There is never a quiet moment in the office.

Outside of Roar

Outside of the 9-5 I run a thrilling thrill seeking business, linking people to experiences across the globe. Bungee jumping, canyon swings and much more. After 3 years we are finally in a place it can be launched to providers. Trying to build a business whilst also studying a degree, has been challenging but also a tremendous learning curve.

See an example of our work here

Meet More of The PPC Team