Florence Antia


At school I was always drawing and doodling, my main subject was actually design and technology - I loved the challenge of balancing function with aesthetics.

This then lead me on a natural path to architecture, graphic design and finally website design at ROAR. I love to draw icons, giving a brand/ website personality through small touches (I’m really particular about consistency with icons, the style and weights etc).

At the moment i'm really into exploring animation in we design particularly in the form of using micro interactions. I think it really help bring a website to life and create a polished look


I loved using personality and design to reinforce the brand

LIFE at Roar

For me, I love the people - everyone is really friendly - there’s a focus on letting you be you.

Everyone has mutual respect for each other and we’ve built genuine relationships that usually last far longer than just someones time at the company.

Outside of Roar

I tend to go though phases of trying new things instead of having hobbies. Currently I’m spending my weekends making mugs and bowls and when I can, surfing down in Cornwall, something I wish i had more time for.

Is having a passion for eating freshly baked bread a hobby? It should be as I love baking bread but the best part is definitely eating it.

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