Adam Parish


Starting Roar back in 2016 seems like a distant memory. The early days lacked the usual necessities of an office, colleagues or clients… but fortunately we soon grew through the early challenges.

Having a business is always something I wanted, however it’s been a bit of a journey to find the right one… having been involved in businesses that armour cars, to selling art to running a pub / wine business.

I’m hugely proud of what Roar has become today, which is huge testament to the brilliant team (both past and present).


I’m hugely proud of what Roar has become today, which is huge testament to the brilliant team

LIFE at Roar

I enjoy the entrepreneurial vibe, but most of all, working with really nice people. I think everyone would agree that the people make Roar.

There is a constant drive to improve and no one is afraid to ask questions. Many of the team are regularly coming forward with great ideas, which is a big part of the growth and success of Roar.

Outside of Roar

My two young boys keep things interesting and busy. However, I do like to carve out time to watch live music (particularly pre-90s), with a recent highlight being a trip to Copenhagen to see Toto!


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